September 9, 2011

A picture for a thousand words

I love pictures.

Jason and I are in a stage in our lives that I don't want to forget: the "just us" stage. The stage where our lives revolve around our relationship, the stage where we selfishly sleep through the night every single night, the stage where I have my own craft room. I want to remember this because it's as much part of our history as the time we have children will be. I also think this is an important stage for a very different reason; my parents had a shotgun wedding when my mother found out she was pregnant with me. They were young parents and often left me with the feeling that they did not care much for each other, and as a result I spent most of my childhood feeling guilty for them needing to be together. (As an adult, I can now look back and see that it was much more complicated than this.) It is important for children to know that their married parents love each other*, and I intend to show my children what my life was like before them. I want them to know that we had a great relationship before we willfully, happily, impatiently entered parenthood. I hope these anniversary pictures will add to that lesson for them.

*I am not trying to dig at single or divorced parents. In fact, Will Smith wrote a letter (in the form of a song) to his son; he says that, "Things didn't work out with me and your mom but push comes to shove, you were conceived in love." My point is not that the parents need to always remain in love, but a lot of people talk about how their children are the loves of their lives and how much they adore them. While this may be true, I think it can lead people to think that getting married and having children is the only way to know true happiness. I want my children to know there was a time before them (and there will be a time when they're grown) when we were happy and in love and our lives were perfect. I want them to know that even though we found happiness through marriage and a family, there are other routes, other options, other forms of happiness. I do not want my children to feel pushed along the traditional road if they don't want to go that way. There are a lot of reasons we take these pictures. Those are just a few.

Without further adieu, here are some pictures!

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