Here is a 2-picture recap.
New Years day, husband and I built this bookcase. We used Ana-White's plans, with the slight adaptation of not nailing in the shelf dividers so we can move them around and adjust whenever and however we want. It needs to be painted but I'm torn between a seafoam green and a pretty cream. Husband is pushing to stain it because he likes the look of wood. We will see...
New Years Eve was a complete bust. We paid $80 + tip for dinner in a new restaurant. When we got there, it was complete chaos and it turns out there are no waitors. We had to get our raw meat (Husband had a steak and I had the salmon) on a styrofoam plate and grill it ourselves on this giant charcoal grill. I was wearing awesome heels, so my feet were killing my by the third trip downstairs for getting my salad, grilling my entree, getting my sides, getting my drink, getting dessert, etc. We ended up just leaving about an hour after we got there and spent the rest of the night at home cuddling up and watching a movie. We actually missed midnight by a few minutes! It was worth it, though. :)